As you are aware the Government’s JobKeeper Programme will be delivered through the Australian Taxation Office. Here are the steps you need to take to get ready:
- Check if you and your nominated employees meet the eligibility requirements.
- Notify eligible employees that you (their employer) intend to participate in the JobKeeper scheme.
- Confirm with eligible employees that they agree to you being the primary employer to receive JobKeeper Payments.
- Send the nominated employees the JobKeeper Employee Nomination Notice to complete and return to you.
- Keep the Employee Nomination Form on file.
- Pay the minimum $1,500 to each eligible employee per JobKeeper fortnight. The first fortnight starts on 30 March and ends on 12 April. Alternatively, you can make one combined payment of $3,000 for the first two fortnights paid by the end of April 2020.
- Enrol for JobKeeper from 20 April using the Business Portal or through us as your nominated tax agent.
- Sole Traders are eligible for the JobKeeper Payment for one business participant if their business has experienced a downturn.
If you require further assistance with the JobKeeper payment please contact us on (07) 3910 5675 or [email protected].