Congratulations to everyone for surviving 2020 and give yourself a pat on the back. Whether you had to deal with shutting down your business, losing your job, home schooling or life in lockdown this year has tested us all. Whist the worst of COVID-19 appears to be over and positive economic signs are starting to emerge we can look forward with a level of optimism and hope knowing that 2021 should be a better year for us all.
Billy Ocean’s famous lyrics “when the going gets tough the tough get going” could be seen and heard throughout our community in 2020. Business owners re-inventing themselves and their businesses to keep their doors open and staff in a job. Staff adapting to working from home and in many cases adopting technology to gain efficiencies. We also saw people make changes in their lifestyles and habits designed to protect us all and keep us healthy. What has shone through this year is our resilience to cope with rapid change and disruption to our lives. The importance of our social networks in terms of family, friends and colleagues have been at the forefront of us being able to survive 2020 and come out stronger on the other side.
At Coeus this year we have rapidly adapted our services and systems and focused more on defensive and protection strategies for our clients. This year our work has focused on applying for Jobkeeper, accessing government grants and funding, ensuring our clients have appropriate funding in place and the basics of cashflow, budgeting and forecasting. In working alongside our clients we are happy to have been able assist them through these times.
We would like to congratulate Chrissy Munro on having her first child Zachariah in November. Chrissy has worked alongside us since the start of Coeus (and with us for many years before). We are pleased that both mum and bub are healthy and we wish Chrissy and her partner Sam well in the journey of parenthood.
We would like to thank both Chrissy and Julienne who have worked alongside us this year. We are grateful for the dedication, skill and support they have provided within the business to enable us to deliver the advice, services and assistance required to our clients in this challenging year.
Finally to you our clients, suppliers and referral partners thankyou for your support in 2020. We hope that over the festive season you are able to celebrate and enjoy that time with your loved ones and are able to look forward to 2021 with some renewed optimism.
Please note our office will be closed from 24th December to 12th January as we take a break and enjoy some family time.