Welcome to Coeus Chronicles. In Greek mythology Coeus was a Titan respected for his intellect, resolve and gift of foresight. At Coeus Advisors we use these qualities to assist our clients to make the right decisions in the areas of taxation, business finance and investments.
A client of mine recently shared with me the tale of the ant and the grasshopper which goes something like this. During the summer the ant works hard in the withering heat building his house and laying supplies for the upcoming bitter winter ahead.
The grasshopper enjoying the warmth of summer thinks the ant is a fool for working so hard and laughs and dances and plays the summer away. When winter comes the ant is warm and well fed, the grasshopper is cold has no food and is left out in the cold. The grasshopper has to knock on the ant’s door and ask for his help to survive. Whilst we all agree the ant should help the grasshopper, we all share the ant’s frustration that the grasshopper was not responsible for itself and is now asking others to be responsible for it.
Many of you may have been surprised by the outcome of our Federal election last month. To me there was a clear choice between encouraging Australians to work hard like the ant or instead take more and more from the ant and give it to the grasshopper. The moral for all of us is not to be just like the ant but to encourage everyone to do their bit to keep this country great.
In this edition of Coeus Chronicles we will look at the following:
- Tax Planning Tips for 30 June
- Tax – Compliance Matters
- Ageing Parents
- Frankly Speaking
- Finance for business equipment & motor vehicles;
- Cooking Corner
- Companies – Are they the structure of choice in a modern world;